Hey, it’s Mike of LVRG.
I wanted to share with you a conversation that you will never stop having as an entrepreneur.
There are a couple of entrepreneurs in my office that also work there. There is an entrepreneur, in particular, that will have a conversation about an on-going deal with a gentleman. Take note that the gentleman is a very successful online software entrepreneur and has been an entrepreneur his entire career.
Now, my colleague entrepreneur and I were both stressing about making the decision within the day.
Do we work on something more strategic and long term or something to bring in cash and hit immediate revenue goals? It is a question between strategic and urgent.
It’s something that you will always, always struggle to balance.
The wise choice
I don’t care if you are killing it on fire, or you’re growing a great big business or you’re just getting started.
Some of the balance in that conversation will shift over time. Whether you’re working on something more longterm and strategic or urgent, it will be 90% strategic or 10% urgent vice versa.

It is something that you’re constantly struggling with. You’re constantly trying to find enough hours in the day.
And I think it’s just something that you have to be deliberate about because the reality is it’s too easy to let it get away.
It’s too easy to let it become just working on today’s urgent things and not enough on the strategic if you’re even having the conversation about needing to work more on the strategic.
That’s a good thing because that means you’re at least tuned into the idea that you need to be focused on some longer term stuff as well. But that challenge, that balance between strategic or urgent never, ever goes away.
It’s a constant struggle.