Hey there, Mike Cooch again!
See that picture below?
That’s me on a stage in London…making the most expensive sales mistake of my life.
Some lessons are painful to learn, this was one of them.
Learn from my mistake so you don’t have to repeat it!
The Story
Early in my Internet Marketing career, I had the opportunity to speak on stage at an event in London with the likes of Kevin Wilke, Jeff Herschy, and other great people.
I took it because it was a trip to London and I had never been there!
And…I was allowed to sell from the stage, which means that all my expenses would be covered.
It was a no brainer.
When it was my turn to speak, I had no hesitation. I’ve spoken on the stage countless times, and I knew I could impress the crowd with some of the insights I had to share.
I gave a good, educational presentation for a solid hour, and received a great round of applause at the end.
TONS of people came up to me to thank me afterward, telling me that they had learned a lot and that I really helped them.
Which was great.
And when I got the sales report at the end of the day…guess how many of them had bought my offer?
Go ahead…guess. You probably guessed it already.
Not one.
Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing.
I had flown all the way to London, gave a presentation in front of a crowd of hungry buyers, and SOLD NOTHING.
I’m a pretty damn good salesperson. I’ve built my career on my ability to sell.
So how in the hell did I manage to sell NOTHING?! I’ll tell you how.
I was a great one-to-one salesperson, but I had almost no experience with one-to-many sales…and it shows. I had no frickin’ clue what I was doing, and I had no right to expect success.
One-to-Many Selling: The Skill to Master
I have always said that selling is the one skill that every entrepreneur needs to master.
But the world of business has changed. Fundamentally and profoundly.
One-to-one selling has become minimized to only the absolutely necessary scenarios…in all other cases it is being transitioned to one-to-many selling to eliminate costs and create scale.
One-to-many selling is now THE most important and powerful skill you can develop in your career as an entrepreneur.
Selling from webinars. Selling from the stage. Selling through video sales letters.
They are all just forms of one-to-many selling…and they all require the same skill of message construction and offer presentation…just in different formats.
Do Not Miss This Opportunity!
Nobody has perfected that art – and boiled it down into a model that is so easy to understand and repeat – like Russell Brunson.
Now look…you may say ‘This professional speaker is better than Russell’ or something like that.
I’m not talking about professional speakers! I have NO INTEREST in being a professional speaker, and I don’t think Russell does either! I’m talking about using this to build a business as an entrepreneur!
Russell has CRUSHED his well-funded competitors through his ability to create offers and sell…PERIOD.
What he’s sharing is so damn valuable, and every single one of us should soak it up like a sponge!
Set any ego aside and just learn!
I know you will benefit!
All the best,
Mike Cooch