If you’re an entrepreneur these days, you have to be in the business of producing content.
I don’t care if you’re selling e-commerce products, you’re selling consulting, or you’re selling services. Whatever it is, you have to produce content.
Producing content has become absolutely affordable and easy for everyone.
It’s this right here. It is blogs, article, videos, posts, or whatever type of social media content. You can produce it.
We’ve all got access to it, and we can distribute all of it with no middleman.
Where to produce content
What I am talking about is called social media.

You can produce content through Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platform. You can get our content out to anybody anywhere in the world using these social media platforms.
All it requires is hustle and a little creativity. If you’re not doing it, your competition is.
They’re creating the content and staying in front of your prospects and your customers better than you do. They are sharing ideas, they are educating, they are entertaining and most important of all, is that they’re building relationships.
And you are losing big time.
You have to be in the business of producing content. We’re all media businesses now.
If you don’t do it, you’re going to lose.